I’m Done With…

The other morning as I got ready for work, I decided to start my day off by listening to a podcast.  This is a practice that I occasionally partake in if I find myself in need of motivation.

Podcasts are a great way to hear other people’s stories and perspectives. I learn something each time I listen to one.

I was almost finished getting ready for the day and then it happened.  I had an “ah-ha” moment.

The host and the guest were discussing a list they created at the end of last year.

This list was not of all the things they were going to buy for the year or a list of people they hoped to collaborate with in the future. This list was different. This list had purpose and intention. This was the I’m done with …. list.

The concept is so simple yet this can be such a powerful tool.

Step 1: Find a sheet of paper, notebook or notes section in your favorite electronic device and title the page or post “I’m Done With…”

Step 2: Now write all of the things that you will no longer consciously allow in your life.

°I am done with playing it safe.

°I am done with mediocrity.

°I am done with living someone else’s dream.

°I am done with saying I don’t have time.

°I am done with one-sided relationships.

°I am done with not finishing what I start.

°I am done with not being consistent.

°I am done with poor fiscal management.

Step 3: Review your list and hold yourself accountable. Honor yourself by honoring your word.

If you choose to complete this activity like I did, I would love to hear your feedback on how powerful it was for you and the difference it maker in your outlook on life. Feel free to either comment or email me to let me know.

