Self-Care Stretches Me

Reason number 5 why I am making self-care a priority in 2018 is because it stretches me.

In 2018, I challenged myself to be more intentional about practicing self-care.  In order to raise the bar even higher I said I would practice self-care daily.  When I first thought of this challenge I said,”Game on.”  I was ready, I was excited, I was invigorated.

Then… I actually had to do it.

The biggest challenge I faced was my own limited views on what self-care was and was not.  I had to stretch my mind to see and accept that some of the simplest acts that I routinely do were in fact acts of self-care.

As we are closing out the first month of the year and celebrating my first 31 days of self-care daily, I want to share with you my Top 3 Self-Care Acts of the Month.  I was intentional this month about not making my self-care associated with a service I had to spend money on (This was a stretch).

Top 3 Self-Care Acts of the Month

  1. Getting still and allowing my mind to rest or wander.

  2. Watching the sun set and enjoying the beautiful colors in the sky.

  3. Listening to my body and resting.


How can self-care stretch you?  Will you stretch and plan a self-care activity this week or next month? What will you do?

Self-care is a good way to stretch yourself and evolve into a better version of yourself.  The beauty about being stretched is that you cannot go back to whatever shape you were in before.

I challenge you to stretch yourself and practice self-care.

As always, I’m curious to hear about your self-care journey/progress.  Feel free to email me at

Be well to yourself.


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