52 Reasons Why You Need to Make Self-Care a Priority

This year, I made a decision.  I made a decision to stop trying to be an expert in everything.  I made a decision to be clear on my purpose.  I made a decision to focus on the one thing that I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am the expert on.


What is that one thing you may ask?




Yes, me.  This year I am focusing on me.  Not in a narcissistic manner, but in a manner that helps to propel me to living my best life.


What does that look like you might ask?


For me, it looks like self-care.  When I look back on my life, I realized that I have been preaching this self-care gospel for many moons now.   So much so, that I have really gotten good at showing myself the love it deserves and needs (READ: Stop looking for love elsewhere when you can’t even love yourself).

My love language is quality time.  I love spending time with myself.  Yes, believe it or not I’m an introvert.  I don’t isolate.  I just enjoy my “Me time” so naturally self-care is my jam.  Whether I’m treating myself to a nice purchase , trip, meal or simply going for a walk, watching the sunset, journaling, reading or sitting still, I am caring for me and I love every minute of it.  Not only does my self-care positively impact me, it is directly correlated to the experiences I have with others around me.  Trust me on this one. (READ: Happy me = Happy we)


I am getting better about listening to what my body is telling me it needs and making sure to honor it’s request in a timely manner.


Self-care is real people! Self-care is essential to wellness.  If you don’t remember anything else from this post remember that self-care is essential to wellness.


Self-care is the best care.


I am no longer going to make self-care an option.  It is a priority for the following reasons:

  1. It makes me better.  Each and every day we should all strive to be better than what we were the previous day.  This is how you grow.  This is how you become all that you were intended to be.
  2. Stay tuned for next week… 🙂


For this reason and the other 51 one that you will eventually see, I have decided to incorporate self-care in my daily life.

Here are my 2018 Self-Care Goals:

  • Acknowledge and accept the FACT that self-care is no longer and option; it’s a priority
  • Broaden the definite of self-care (it’s more than a mani/pedi or massage)
  • Create images (for all the visual learners) of what self-care looks like to me* (READ: My self-care is not your self-care and that’s okay)
  • Develop a community of induvial who believe self-care is the best care #selfcaregivesmelife [Be sure to follow me on Instagram]


Whether you do something daily, weekly, bi-weekly or once a month in the name of self-care, I’d encourage you to simply start somewhere with something.


Trust me, your present and future selves will thank you.



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