Your New Marching Orders

Has there ever been a time in your life where you needed to hit the reset button?


How would you know?


Do you wake up and feel like every day is the same?

Do you find it hard to find one thing that brought joy to your life during the day/week?

Do you find yourself feeling as if you are just going through the motions of life?


If you answered yes to any of the questions above, it may be time for you to abort that mundane mission and create a new set of marching orders.  There is no better time than the present to embark on a new and exciting journey.


Many people are living unfulfilling and unsatisfying lives and it’s obvious by the energy they give off.


Those are the people who find it difficult to smile or utter any positive words.  If you find yourself being one of these Negative Nancy’s or Negative Ned’s stop what you are doing now get a pen and a sheet of paper out and write yourself a new set of Marching Orders!


Marching orders (n.) Orders that tell you what to do.


3 Ways to Add Some Order to Your March

  1. Take time to tell yourself what you are going to do.

    • Extinguish any language or thoughts where you tell yourself what you don’t have time to do or what you absolutely are not going to do.

  2. Honor your word.

    • Whatever you set out to do, do it! Especially if it requires you to dig deep and push yourself out of your comfort zone.

  3. Write down your plans on paper.

    • Make official! There is something magical that happens when you clearly write down your goals. Give it a try!



These are your marching orders… get to marching!



