Self-care When You Are Tired

Are you tired? The feeling of tiredness can manifest in different aspects.  Today, we will explore mental, emotional and physical tiredness.  It is important to recognize and identify which area(s) you are tired in order to create your self-care plan.

Mental Tiredness:

Mental tiredness feels like you are having trouble turning off your thoughts.  You may also find yourself in a brain fog where clarity of thought and your ability to focus is difficult.  You may have minimal motivation to think or make decisions. 

Emotional Tiredness:

Emotional tiredness feels like the weight of the world, demands of others, grief or other circumstances has you emotionally stagnant in one feeling.  You may have minimal motivation to engage in activities or make decisions.

Physical Tiredness:

Physical tiredness looks like not getting enough time to recover day in and day out.  It can be caused by not getting enough sleep or poor nutrition.  You may have minimal motivation to be active or make decisions.

It is important to identify the area(s) in which you are tired to know which self-care action can assist in restoring your mind, emotional wellbeing or body.

Self-care ideas for Mental Tiredness:

  1. Journal: Write out your thoughts as they are.  You can use a bullet journaling method or write in sentences.  Set a timer and freely write without judgement.  Clear your mind by getting your thoughts on paper.
  2. Color:  An activity that has increasing become more popular with adults for a very good reason.  Coloring has been shown to relax your brain and improve its functioning along with improving focus, sleep, motor skills, reducing anxiety, relieving stress and inducing a meditative state.
  3. Meditate:  Focus on one thought/phrase or your breathing. Start in small increments if you are new to meditation.

Self-care ideas for Emotional Tiredness:

  1. Dance: Whether you are taking a class or doing a freestyle dance get moving! Research has shown that dancing improves your mood, lowers anxiety and eases depression.
  2. Warm Bath/Shower: The warm of the shower helps to relax your muscles and can relax your thoughts.
  3. Aromatherapy: A relatively inexpensive way to promote calming and relaxation.

Self-care ideas for Physical Tiredness:

  1. Move your body: Movement helps to increase blood flow and circulation to the brain and body which has a positive impact on your mood.
  2. Set a bed time: Prioritize going to bed at a consistent time to ensure your body is getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
  3. Create a nighttime routine: Create a wind down routine and consider going screen-free an hour before bed to allow your mind time to slow down.

Which form of tiredness are you feeling now?  Which self-care action will you take?

Self-care is the best care. You deserve daily self-care.

Be Well,
