Self-care Keeps Me Believing

Reason number 37 why I decided to make self-care a priority this year is….


Self-care keeps me believing.


As I sit in my one of my favorite self-care sanctuaries (a local coffee shop), I hear the song “Don’t Stop Believin” by Journey.


Sometimes all we need to hear is a reminder or word of encouragement to keep us going.  Keep trying. Keep dreaming.  Keep believing.


I, possibly like some of you, have previously fallen victim to hoping for something to manifest in my life and then when it doesn’t happen according to my timeline, losing hope that it will ever happen.


What I have learned this year through self-care is that if something is for me then it is for me.  It will happen.  It has to happen.  It is for me. I just have to be ready to receive it when it comes.  I have also learned that if you really want something to happen, don’t stop believing. You must meditate on your intentions daily and keep believing that they will come true.


I have seen so many things come into fruition that I couldn’t even predict would happen and I believe that the best is yet to come. I’m still believing and still hoping for more manifestations.


I have found it helpful to specifically write down my desires as if they have already happened.  Write them in the present tense.  Recite them in the present tense.  Position yourself to be ready to receive all that you have asked for and more.  What’s for you is for you and it’s on it’s way.


What do you want?


What are you believing will happen in your life?  If you are afraid of writing what you want, do it anyway!  I believe there should be a slight element of fear when it comes to your goals.  The key is to not let the fear debilitate you.  Let the fear motivate you to stretch beyond your comfort zone because that is where the TRUE growth happens.


Write your desires in the present tense.  Make them plain.  Make them specific.  Recite them during your time of self-care daily and don’t stop believing.


Be well,

