Self-care Makes Me Fearless

Reason number 40 why I decided to make self-care a priority this year is…


Self-care makes me fearless.


There is nothing to fear other that fear itself.  This popular quote sheds light on the essence of fear better know as false evidence appearing real.


Fear is an invisible thought that holds many of us back from taking that next step to be all that we desire to be.  The problem with fear is that its crippling effects are multiplied in silence and secrecy.  Fear is something that we often don’t recognize or acknowledge because we are scared.


What are you afraid of?


Name it.  Write it down.  Tell a trusted friend.


Once you acknowledge your fear and the root of the fear, you might actually find out that you actually have nothing to be afraid of.


Liberate yourself through self-care.  Create a sacred time to practice self-care, challenge and face your fears with FACTS.


Ask yourself 2 questions:


  1. What is the worst that could happen if you faced your fear?
  2. What is the greatest outcome that could happen if you conquered your fear?


Which answer did you like the best?


Now, do the next thing to move beyond and overcome your fear. Don’t let it delay you any further. You are more than a conqueror. Even if the worst thing happens, find beauty in the fact that you tried and believed in yourself enough to move outside of your comfort zone.


If that’s the worst then is it really that bad?


Easier said than done…I know, but all things are possible through self-care.  Take the time to nourish and encourage your mind, body and spirit.  You are purposed and destined for greatness.  Self-care will help you recognize your greatness. Once you recognize it, believe it and then walk in it.


As my alma matter says, “Be fearless.”


This week do one thing that scares you.  You are greater than your fear.  You are resilient.  You are a conqueror.  Choose to affirm your faith in your talents and abilities rather than your fear. Whatever you feed grows.  Stop feeding your fears today.  Feed your faith.  Practice self-care.  Be fearless.


Be well.

