Self-care is a Mood

Reason number 47 why I decided to make self-care a priority this year is….



Self-care is a mood.



This year I have seen an increased number of meme’s or comments or gifs on post that state, “mood.”  This one word symbolizes relatability.



The one thing that we all have in common are feelings.  We only differ in how we experience and express our feelings.



Self-care is a WHOLE mood that we can all get into, if we allow ourselves to do so.  How many times have you scrolled on your social media timeline and thought to yourself, oh that trip looks nice or that scenery looks amazing or I wish I could chill by the pool, soak in a milk and honey bath with tropical flowers or hit the gym before the sun goes up or drink that cup of tea and read a book in peace? How may times?



I dare you to put your phone down, stop wishing for those moments and make it happen in your life.  You may or my not be able to go on that trip today, but what’s preventing you from planning for it financially?  Do what you can today until you can do what you want to do.  Start by taking a moment to simply be with yourself and enjoy.



It’s never too late to get into this self-care mood.



What is one thing you will do today and what is one thing that you are planning long term?



Be well,


