Self-Care is Not Perfection

Reason number 46 why I decided to make self-care a priority this year is…


Self-care is not perfection.


Perfection is an unrealistic ideal or goal that many of us are literally killing ourselves, mentally or physically to achieve.  The stress of trying to be perfect all the time is not worth the financial and health consequences that can be associated with this illusion.


Instead of trying to be perfect, I strive to be authentic.  Self-care has allowed me to understand the difference.


As you know, there may have been a week or two or a month in which I did not post consistently about my self-care journey.  There is no real excuse for me not posting other than I’m human.  There may have been times where I let my feelings rule my actions instead of being disciplined.  There may have been times where I needed the time I usually designate for writing to rest.  There may have been times where I did not have any inspiration to write because my self-care practice was slacking.  I share all of this to say self-care is not a perfect practice.  It is one that can change depending on the season or the day.  There is no sole way to practice self-care.


Today, I encourage you to engage in an authentic self-care practice.  Do what you authentically love to do.


As I have said many times before, my self-care is not your self-care and that’s okay.  Be okay with not being perfect.  Instead of striving for perfection, I now strive for consistency.  Even when I am not consistent, I find reassurance through my self-care practice that it is okay to start again and give it one more try.


Release yourself of the need to be perfect.  Do your best each and every day.



Be well,

