Self-Care is Still Forgiving

Reason number 50 why I made self-care a priority in 2018 is ….



Self-care is still forgiving.



True forgiveness is for yourself and not for the offender.  Self-care is forgiving.  No matter how long it’s been since you last practiced self-care, you are forgiven.  No matter how much you promised yourself each and every week that you were going to do better, you are forgiven.  No matter how many times you said you wouldn’t continue to ________, you are forgiven.


Self-care is the most forgiving experience I know.


Earlier in the year I wrote about self-care being forgiving, but I really felt lead to highlight in this post that the forgiveness self-care offers is available over and over and over and over again.  This is why self-care is still forgiving.


Have I fallen short this year, absolutely!  However; I did not stay stuck in the pity and misery of thinking about my shortcomings.  I learned how to acknowledge without judgement (key point), where I fell short and then strategize what I would do in the future.  Forgiveness is the bridge that helps me move forward and past my feelings of disappointment and failure.


Forgiveness is self-love.  Self-love is self-care.  Self-care is forgiving.


What do you need to forgive yourself for today?


Speak it.  Write it. Accept forgiveness and move forward. It’s not too late to try again or start over.  The best is yet to come.


Be well,

