Self-Care is Peaceful

Reason number 51 why I decided to make self-care a priority in 2018 is….


Self-care is peaceful.


Much like joy, peace is something that I have learned to create for myself.  When chaos and confusion surrounds me, I go into my self-care practice to tap into the peace that transcends all understanding and guides my heart and my mind.


Peace has truly been a priority in 2018.  While seeking peace, there were somethings that I had to remove from my life.  I had to go back to basics.  I had to figure out what was absolutely important to me.  I had to review my goals and my purpose.  I had to walk closer to my purpose.  Although it scared me, I was at peace.


That sounds contradictory, right?  How can one be scared, but at peace?


I asked myself this question and the answer I received was this… I was afraid because I was looking at a situation based upon what I could see.  This is where a lot of us error.  We base our abilities on what we think we are capable of instead of doing the work to actually see what we are truly capable of doing.  This year my faith was greater than it has ever been.  It was greater than most of my fears.  (Update: I’m still not perfect).  That’s where I found peace.  I knew that everything that was happening for me was a part of a divine plan for my life.  I released the need to try to do everything because in reality I was really doing nothing.  I relied on my faith.  I set my intention.  Did the work and had faith.


Even if I received a no or something did not work out how I intended, I was still at peace because I did the work and kept the faith.   If I did not do the work, then it was just a reminder that I need to consistently show up ready to do the work that has been set before me.


Sometimes when things don’t work out, we like to sit in the disappointment and give up on the dream.  Like I wrote in Self-care Keeps Me Believing, keep the faith and keep believing that what you desire still has the opportunity to manifest in your life.


Keep reflecting on your intentions.  Keep the faith.  Do the work. Create your peace, but more importantly, protect your peace.


I can be at peace because it is something I create for myself. Only I can create and protect my peace.


In 2018, I HEAVILY leaned on not only my faith in God, but in the character of God to keep me in perfect peace.


What brings you peace?  Write it down and apply it when chaos, confusion and frustration try to infiltrate your environment.



Be well,

