Resting is Self-care

When was the last time you truly felt rested?


Being well rested is a necessary component of mental and emotional well-being.  I’m sure we can all think of times where we may have reacted in ways that were not ideal due to a lack of sleep.   While this is not an excuse for behavior, it is a stark reminder that when we are not rested we are not operating as our best.


Self-care is about doing what you need to do to maintain your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being so you can show up each and every day with your proverbial cup filled. 


How to incorporate rest starting today:


  1. Check in with yourself.


How are you feeling?  Do you feel fatigued? Are you struggling to make it to 2pm every day?  Are you waking up frequently during the night?  Are you still feeling tired when you wake up in the morning?


  1. Say No


Do not overcommit yourself mentally, physically or emotionally.  It’s all about harmony.  Say no when needed to create that necessary boundary for your well-being.


  1. Set a Shut Down Time


Set a time to shut down the use of all electronic devices.  It is recommended to limit screen time up until an hour before bed to allow your mind time to unwind.  Also, set a bed time for yourself.  What time is the absolute latest that you can stay up in order to get 8 hours of sleep?



Rest as often as you can.  Your mind, body and soul needs it.


How are you going to prioritize rest in your life?


Meditation Mantra: Rest nourishes my mind and body.  Resting is not lazy, it is necessary. 


Take care of yourself,

