Creating a Space to Release Through Self-Care  

One of my favorite aspects of my self-care practice is the ability to a create space where I can show up and exist how I am.


No terms. No conditions. No judgement. No outside opinions.


When you create this space as a from of self-care, consider entering this space with the intention of connecting with yourself.  Check-in with yourself.  Assess your needs.  Figure out your wants.  Allow yourself to feel the full range of feelings that you may have.  Come to this sacred space that you have created exclusively for you often.  It is your space to seek and care for self.


There are times in this space where you may realize that something is not working for you.  In this moment, you can utilize your self-care practice to assist you with knowing when enough is enough.  Make the time to determine if it is time to release/unload a thought, feeling or behavior that is no longer serving you.


What is that thing? 


Are you constantly saying yes over your capacity?

Are you continually pushing through life without taking a moment to pause?

Are you saying no due to imposter syndrome?

Are you more occupied with the lives of others that it leaves little time for you to focus on yourself?


What do you need to release?


Is it a negative thought?

Is it a harmful behavior towards yourself?

Is it a feeling that is no longer serving you?


What do you need to let go?


Is it a comparison?

Is it a past version of yourself?

Is it a romanticized version of yourself?


These are all good questions to ask yourself frequently and record the responses in your journal.  See what changes.


This month, I encourage you to find one belief, feeling or behavior to release.  Don’t forget to give yourself grace along the way.  You deserve it.  Enjoy your self-care practice and don’t forget, self-care is the best care.



Take care of yourself,

