Self-Care Makes Me Set Boundaries

Reason number 12 why I made self-care a priority this year…


Self-Care Makes Me Set Boundaries


In a world filled with hashtags such as #teamnosleep and #hustleharder, it has become an accepted practice to “rise and grind” nonstop.  Don’t get me wrong, I believe in a strong work ethic but at some point we all need to be #teamsleep.


In order to make self-care a priority, I have learned that boundary setting is very important to one’s success.  Boundaries are limits or rules that we set for ourselves that can impact our relationships with ourselves and with others.


By recognizing and honoring boundaries related to your time and your tolerance of emotionally draining people, conversations and activities, you are setting protective limits regarding your emotional health and wellness.


It is okay to say,”I am currently at capacity” or “I am not able to take anything else on at the moment.”  The key is recognizing when your wellness reserve getting low and you are feeling emotionally drained.  At that point, take care of yourself.  Get rest or exercise or detach from electronics or do whatever renews you.  Set a boundary and honor it.   Your mind, body and spirit will thank you.


I would love to hear your thoughts on how setting boundaries has positively impacted your self-care and wellness.