Self-Care Requires You to Listen

Reflections from week 20 on why I’m choosing to make self-care a priority in my life.

This past week I did a lot of listening.  Listening to myself.  Listening to others.  Listening.

Before we go one sentence further, let’s be clear that there is a difference between hearing and listening.

Hearing is simply the act of recognizing sound.

Listening is a conscious act.  In order to truly listen, you must concentrate your attention on the sounds/words and then allow your brain to process the meaning of it all.

Are you good at hearing or listening?

Make time to listen.  Listening is a key component to learning.

During this week of listening, I learned a lot about myself from not only myself, but from others.

When was the last time you truly made time to listen to yourself and your needs?

When was the last time you asked for constructive feedback about yourself from others?

This week, I’d encourage you to truthfully listen to yourself, allow the time and space for you brain to process the meaning of it all and lastly honor what you hear.


Be well.