What Happens When Self-Care Isn’t a Priority?

Week 16-19th self-care was not truly a priority.  I had moments, but those moments were honestly not enough.

Self-care is only a priority when you make it one.  There are other things that happen in our lives naturally, but how do you determine what is and isn’t a priority?

Some questions to ask yourself:

Does this have to be done now or today?

What is the worst that will happen if I don’t complete this today?

Am I willing to accept the consequence of not completing this today?

If we answer the questions above in the context of self-care, we might be willing to accept the consequence for the day, but do not recognize the long term effects of pushing off self-care such as fatigue, burnout, exhaustion, isolation, impaired relationships, etc.

The consequences of a lack of self-care are not always immediate, but they do eventually come.  As my mom used to say, “Knowing (that you should do something) and doing (the actual thing) are two different things.”

We know that self-care is good for us, but we don’t always do it.  It seems like such a simple practice, but in real life it is much more of a challenging, if we don’t make it a priority.

I am here to encourage you to make it a priority.  Choose yourself.  You’ll feel better in the long run.  Just know that it’s never too late to start, start over or start again.

Self-care is self-love. Self-love is self-compassion.  Self-compassion is self-acceptance.  Self-accptance is the ultimate goal.


Be well,