Self-Care Keeps Me Honest

Reason number 30 why I decided to make self-care a priority this year is….

Self-care keeps me honest!

Honesty is a concept that is sought by many, but lived by few.  We live in a society where we can filter, photoshop and charge on credit our “reality” or better stated the reality that we want to share with others.

I’m all for a good photo opportunity (sometimes), but if we were being honest, there are some time where we may not feel our best mentally, physically, financially, etc and to pretend that we always have it call together can be more detrimental than we may think.

There comes a time in our lives when pretending just becomes too exhausting.  Pretending to want to always hang out.  Pretending to have money that you don’t.  Pretending to have health relationships that you don’t.  Pretending to be happy when you are not.  Pretending.

Let’s be honest!

We are all capable of living our best lives, but we must first be honest with ourselves.

Self-care has empowered me to be okay with saying “No.”  When you are tired or when you didn’t budget an event into your expenses or when you just need some time to yourself say no to others and say yes to yourself.  Be unapologetic while being honest with yourself and others.  This is your truth; honor it.  When I am honest there is nothing to hide or cover up.  The truth is the truth.  You won’t have to make up lies or excuses for you actions or inactions, because you are living in your truth.  (Remember pretending is exhausting.)

Honesty is self-care.  Practice it. Embrace it.  Live your truth.


Be well,

