Self-care Says It’s Not Over!

Reason number 44 why I decided to make self-care a priority in my life is …


Self-care says it’s not over.


Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.  Robert T. Kyosaki


There is still time.  I have been seeing this message repeatedly over the last few weeks. There are so many people who need to hear that it is not over yet.  Just because things did not work out in the timeframe that you wanted them to does not mean that it’s not going to happen.


As I discussed in the self-care keeps me believing post {click here}, you must never ever lose hope that what you desire will happen.  Once you lose hope, you lose the momentum and energy to keep pursuing your dreams and goals.  Instead of becoming defeated, becoming determined through self-care.  Make the time to affirm yourself and you vision.  Make the time to meditate on the person you are becoming.


What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny.     Robin S. Sharma


What will you decide to focus on these last few weeks of 2018?  Begin to think about what your intentions are for 2019.  It’s not over.  Keep your dreams alive through self-care.  It will still happen.  Reset your focus through your self-care practice.  You can do it!


Be well,

