Self-Care is Within My Control

Reason number 8 why I’m making self-care a priority…


Self-Care is Within My Control


Yes! I said it.  Self-care is within my control.


There are many things that we can control and many things we cannot control.  Unfortunately, we are reminded of this reality on a regular basis.


As the serenity prayer states:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.


You might look at your schedule and feel as if you do not have enough to participate in a self-care activity, but you do.  Be courageous and make the time even if it’s only 60 seconds.


You might not feel like you will ever be able to fully enjoy self-care as you have too many other people depending on you.  Be wise and know that self-care is something you can control and as was mentioned in an earlier post, self-care makes you better for those around you.


Will you take control today of your self-care?


Take the next 5 minutes to do something that gives you life.  It could be anything (safe and healthy of course).  Whatever works for you, I want you to do it.  You too have the power to make self-care a priority in your life right now.


The beauty of self-care is that it is available to you whenever you want it and whenever you need it.  You are in control of your self-care.  Be mindful.  Be creative.  Be courageous.  Be wise.  Take care of yourself.